Sunday, September 14, 2014


Population: 5700

We venture back into a small Michigan city, and I felt like I was analyzing Russian traffic in the 1980s. There seem to be only a handful of models seen in an sizable numbers this town, and all are, as expected, domestics.
Like many small towns in the state, the cars in Belding are quite old by Michigan standards. Countless rust-damaged cars dating back to the 1990s are seen in driveways and parking lots, putting this city clearly in the "used-car market" category. It seems that very few new cars are sold in Belding, and people keep the old ones as long as possible. Sadly, its not like town in Ohio and Indiana where 1970s and 80s cars are still seen out in the open.That means variety is kept to a minimum. Most of Michigans best-selling new models have barely even found their way into Belding. Don't expect to find many Ford Fusions. And while the Chevy Cruze has done well nationally, in Belding, they have not even started to replace the rusted Cavaliers that are still quite common.
If you live in Belding, you will definitely know the following 5 as you absolutely cannot avoid them.

1. Ford F-series
2. Chevrolet full-sized pickups
3. Chrysler Vans
4. Chevrolet Impala
5. Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Dodge Ram (too close to call, possible tie)

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